Member meeting 11.03.2016
Login and personalization
Jon Wessel-Aas, Bing Hodneland
Atte Jääskeläinen, YLE
Jo Christian Oterhals, Mediebedriftenes Landsforening
Trond Johansen, NRK
Rune Henriksen, ForgeRock
Vigleik Takle, Cxense
We present the debrief of New Media Network´s meeting
on login and personalization:
Norway along with the rest of EU are embracing Personalization.
Strict rules are underway covering: promotion, data portability, privacy settings and infringements.
We learned about YLE´s NewsWatch, a sophisticated and premium product in Finland. The service combines the user choices, behavior and editor´s choice – content customized for the user.
NRK´s Log in project that has the intelligence for data driven publishing. Along with providing context to similar content intertwined with social responsibility.
Treo talked about the MBL Log in project as devices are increasing per user and user data collection will be more challenging. An introduction of interlayer to various log-in systems can be the solution and present new business opportunities.
ForgeRock informed us about their identity Platform, how businesses are
benefiting with Identity Relationship Management and their BBC project as a success.
Cxense, one of the leaders in Personalization tells us how to be smart with data and how they excel in placement of data, targeting, increase context and relevance.
Thank you to our speakers!
The next New Media Network member meeting is 4mai
“The Future of the Norwegian Media Industry”